Who are we ?
A future European EDIH?
At the prefiguration stage, the DIH-Bretagne Digital Innovation Hub brings together 27 partners from the regional innovation and digital ecosystem. It is one of the 17 DIH projects pre-selected by the French State to apply to the European EDIH call for proposals planned by the European Commission, as part of the ‘Digital Europe’ programme in 2021. Find out more about this pre-selection.
DIH-Bretagne is committed to meeting the urgent challenge of the digital transition for the performance and sustainability of European businesses and public services. In the post-COVID world, digitisation will be a key catalyst to enable the development of a more resilient and secure economy, preserving the planet and supported by SMEs closer to the end user.

Brittany, the land of a more secure digital environment
Since the transmission of the first transatlantic television by satellite in 1962, the Brittany region has developed solid experience in the development of high-performance innovative digital technologies, including several world firsts in digital infrastructures (digital switching, ATM, etc.) and digital content production (MPEG, DVB, etc.).
Today, the Brittany region continues to benefit froman extensive digital R&I ecosystem, made up of major industrialists, research organisations and universities, and includes thousands of SMEs and start-ups developing world-classtechnologies, particularly in the fields of cybersecurity, digital communication infrastructures, media processing and data sciences.
For several years now, benefiting from the investment of the Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Brittany Region in the region, an innovative European cyber ecosystem (research, training, economic development) has developed throughout the region.
The Brittany region is also a key area for the deployment of intelligent energy solutions and is home to several world-renowned industries (maritime, food processing, health, etc.), which are key areas of the Regional Intelligent Specialisation Strategy (S3) for the next European period in which DIH-Bretagne is involved.
Artificial Intelligence
High Performance Computing (HPC)
Infrastructures & networks
Immersivity and interactivity

DIH-Bretagne is the ‘European Hub’ of the Brittany region to boost digital innovation.
It aims to stimulate and support companies and the ecosystem by rethinking their organisation, their business model, their tools and methods and by placing the customer and the human being at the heart of this digital transformation
Whatever their geographical coverage (local, regional, national, European) or their mission (market/application, technological, RD&I, etc.), the common objective of the DIH-Bretagne partners is to contribute to the economic growth & wealth of companies in the Brittany region (SMEs, midcaps, institutions, etc.) working in the strong industrial sectors present in the region: Maritime, Agriculture/Food, Digital, Industry, Health.
1 DIH-Bretagne contributes to the digitalisation of companies and institutions working in key industries in the Brittany region.
This digitisation benefits from strong regional know-how and high potential dedicated in particular to cybersecurity, telecommunications (new generation infrastructures, photonics, electronics, cloud, 5G, etc.) and artificial intelligence.
DIH-Bretagne will also benefit from other regional skills that have long been available in the regional industrial and academic ecosystem, such as immersive multimedia content (image processing, compression, modulation), immersiveness (AR, VR) and software development.
2 DIH-Bretagne will develop the competitiveness of economic players by raising the regional level of R&D with the tools and support they need.
For companies:
- Ensure their digital transformation
- Create a favourable digital environment to develop business activity (increase sales, market share, exports, etc.)
- Fill the skills gap and give access to the development of professionalisation paths
- Improve performance (reduce production costs, increase product quality, build customer loyalty, improve customer experience, etc.)
For partners:
- Provide new value-added services
- Help to structure the local innovation ecosystem
- Offer new project opportunities
- Share regional, national and European knowledge and reputation
Our partners
8 founding partners
The project is co-piloted by Images & Réseaux (digital competitiveness cluster) and Bretagne Développement Innovation (regional economic agency) and the Brittany Region.
They are supported by a first circle of founding members who are: the Technological Research Institute IRT b<>com, the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber (PEC), Inria (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology), IMTA (Institut Mine Telecom), CNAM (which brings together people involved in education), the 7 Brittany Technopoles (association of the 7 science parks in Brittany, with which are associated technological competence centres and end users.
To complete the portfolio of specific services, a second complementary circle of competence centres and European players such as KIC (Knowledge Innovation Community) EIT digital and ECSO (European Cyber Security Organisation) have joined the initiative.
In line with the Regional Intelligent Specialisation Strategy (S3), all the players in digital innovation are expected to join this major Breton digital cluster in the long term.